Download true love does it exist
Download true love does it exist

download true love does it exist

So each day goes by, and I kept myself positive and watching romantic video clips, visualising our dates, our wedding, and our child.

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I trusted the universe was arranging circumstances to let this happen – sometimes I did get doubts and worry due to outer interference, but intuitively I knew that whatever happened, they were just catalysts that would bring us together. I had this very deep knowing that we were meant to be – I kept this faith firm and strong. We had become close friends and out of the blue, in a friend’s gathering night, I felt the attraction for this person had increased tremendously (and I felt he also had the same feeling), so I decided to use the law of attraction to attract a beautiful relationship with this person.

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A few years ago, I met this person whom I instantly felt an attraction to, but I didn’t think too much about it since we were both in a relationship with other people. Since I was small, I have always wanted a soul mate – a person who can share everything with me, and where we can assist each other on our journey.

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